Sunday, January 9, 2011

Sookie, Sookie, Sookie

Ok, I'm currently obsessed with another book series.  When will I learn?  I find a good series, and I literally have to drag myself away from the book.  After the first book, I have to go out and purchase/loan/steal (ok,  I don't go that far) the subsequent book to ensure when I finish the first, I can read the next, and then the next, and so on.  My poor family.  It's so pathetic. Even Andy can notice (and he's your typical guy - doesn't notice anything) when I'm into a series.  Probably because he finds me hiding in the closet trying to catch a few extra minutes of reading. Harry Potter, the Twilight Saga, the Vampire Diaries,  the City of Bones, and the list could go on and on (but it won't because I'm dying to go read).  It's an addiction - I can't stop reading until the series is over. Well, that's kind of a lie. I have three kids, so I actually do have to stop reading (and I'm obviously not reading right now). My current obsession is the Sookie Stackhouse books (made into the True Blood series on TV).  And for everyone who's a fan of True Blood, the books are way better. The TV show reminds me of a glorified porn, not like I am expert there (just because I don't have time for those either anymore . . . just kidding), the books thankfully do not.  I'm currently on book seven, but you better believe I made sure I have eight, nine, and ten, which required me actually leaving the house, which if you know me at all, you know that's no easy task.  I guess I could say that I don't know what it is about these books, but that's not a true statement at all.  It's not just these books.  I guess it'd be more accurate to say I don't know what it is about me.

1 comment:

  1. I love those books! It's really funny because I'm the opposite, I surprised everyone by finishing twilight saga only then to read all ten of the Sookie stackhouse novels! Lol
